Everything Reid's Gift Basket
Whether you're already a fan of Reid's or are new to our neck of the words, our Signature Gift Basket is the perfect way to indulge in our best sellers. The basket contains Reid's Hot & Classic Cheese Straws (8 oz. tin), Reid's Cocktail Crackers 5.5 oz, Reid's Pistachios 9 oz, See Substitutions: Reid's Carolina Savory Mix for Reid's Five O'clock Crunch (5 oz. box), Reid's Butter Toffee Peanuts (9 oz. tin), Reid's Yogurt Covered Malted Balls, Reid's Chocolate Chip Cookies (10 oz. jar) and Reid's Chocolate Pecans (8 oz.), which are sure to get your taste buds excited.
This basket truly is great for any occasion,corporate or personal. We pride ourselves on fitting each of our baskets with high-quality snacks, and these are no exception.
Our Signature Gift Basket is a great way to discover our fan favorites that are sure to please.